Section 31 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882


 Section 31 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882: 

Condition that transfer shall cease to have effect in case specified uncertain event happens or does not happen.—Subject to the provisions of section 12, on a transfer of property an interest therein may be created with the condition superadded that it shall cease to exist in case a specified uncertain event shall happen, or in case a specified uncertain event shall not happen. Illustration

(a) A transfers a farm to B for his life, with a proviso that, in case B cuts down a certain wood, the transfer shall cease to have any effect. B cuts down the wood. He loses his life-interest in the farm.

(b) A transfers a farm to B, provided that, if B shall not go to England within three years after the date of the transfer, his interest in the farm shall cease. B does not go to England within the term prescribed. His interest in the farm ceases.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 31 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882: 

A.P. State Financial Corpn vs Gar Re-Rolling Mills on 10 February, 1994

Vasant Ganpat Padave(D) By Lrs. vs Anant Mahadev Sawant (Dead) Thru on 14 December, 2018

Bayaji Sambhu Mali @Borate(D) vs Nazir Mohammed B.Zari Thr.Poa  on 12 February, 2019

Karnataka vs S.K.K. Kulkarni & Ors on 11 December, 2008

Maganlal Etc vs Jaiswal Industries Neemach & Ors on 7 August, 1989

Karnataka  vs S.K.K. Kulkarni & Ors on 11 December, 2008

Karnataka State Financial  vs N. Narasimahaiah & Ors on 13 March, 2008

Itc Limited vs Blue Coast Hotels Ltd. . on 19 March, 2018

Juthika Mulick vs Dr Mahendra Yashwant Bal on 28 October, 1994

Savita Dey vs Nageswar Majumdar And Anr on 26 September, 1995

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