Section 66 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882


 Section 66 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882: 

Waste by mortgagor in possession.—A mortgagor in possession of the mortgaged property is not liable to the mortgagee for allowing the property to deteriorate; but he must not commit any act which is destructive or permanently injurious thereto, if the security is insufficient or will be rendered insufficient by such act. Explanation.—A security is insufficient within the meaning of this section unless the value of the mortgaged property exceeds by one-third, or, if consisting of buildings, exceeds by one-half, the amount for the time being due on the mortgage.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 66 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882: 

Tarini Kamal Pandit And Ors. vs Prafulla Kumar Chatterjee (Dead)  on 21 February, 1979

Raja Kamakshyanarayan Singh vs Chohan Ram And Another on 23 October, 1952

Tarinikamal Pandit And Ors vs Perfulla Kumar Chatterjee (Dead)  on 21 February, 1979

Dasaudha Singh & Ors. Etc. Etc vs State Of Haryana & Ors on 16 November, 1972

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