Section 48 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882


 Section 48 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882: 

Priority of rights created by transfer.—Where a person purports to create by transfer at different times rights in or over the same immoveable property, and such rights cannot all exist or be exercised to their full extent together, each later created right shall, in the absence of a special contract or reservation binding the earlier transferees, be subject to the rights previously created.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 48 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882: 

Shanti Sports Club & Anr vs Union Of India & Ors on 25 August, 2009

Icici Bank Ltd vs Sidco Leathers Ltd. & Ors on 28 April, 2006

R. M. Arunachalam Etc. vs Commissioner Of Income Tax. on 9 March, 1997

Dattatraya Shanker Mote & Ors vs Anand Chintaman Datar & Ors on 3 October, 1974

Union Of India & Ors vs Sicom Ltd. & Anr on 5 December, 2008

Rajasthan State vs Subhash Sindhi Coop.Hsg.Society on 12 February, 2013

Kn Aswathnarayana Setty(D) vs State Of Karnataka & Ors on 2 December, 2013

Vinay Eknath Lad vs Chiu Mao Chen on 18 December, 2019

Nand Ram(D) Th. Lrs. . vs Jagdish Prasad(D)Th.Lrs on 19 March, 2020

Rajasthan State vs Subhash Sindhi Coop.Hsg.Society  on 12 February, 2013

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