Section 47 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882


 Section 47 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882: 

 Transfer by co-owners of share in common property.—Where several co-owners of immoveable property transfer a share therein without specifying that the transfer is to take effect on any particular share or shares of the transferors, the transfer, as among such transferors, takes effect on such shares equally where the shares were equal, and, where they were unequal, proportionately to the extent of such shares. Illustration A, the owner of an eight-anna share, and B and C, each the owner of a four-anna share, in mauza Sultanpur, transfer a two-anna share in the mauza to D, without specifying from which of their several shares the transfer is made. To give effect to the transfer one-anna share is taken from the share of A, and half-an-anna share from each of the shares of B and C.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 47 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882: 

Union Of India & Ors vs Dileep Kumar Singh on 26 February, 2015

Merla Ramanna vs Nallaparaju And Others on 4 November, 1955

Dr. H. S. Rikhy And Others vs The New Delhi Municipal Committee on 13 September, 1961

B. V. Patankar And Others vs C. G. Sastry on 8 September, 1960

N. Srinivasa Rao vs Spl. Court Under A.P. Land  on 23 March, 2006

Tci Finance Ltd vs Calcutta Medical Centre Ltd. And on 26 September, 2005

Vasantkumar Radhakisan Vora vs Board Of Trustees Of The Port Of  on 21 August, 1990

Vidya Sagar vs Sudesh Kumari & Others on 8 October, 1975

Jagdish Dutt & Anr vs Dharam Pal & Ors on 12 April, 1999

State Of West Bengal & Ors vs Vishnunarayan And Associates (P)  on 19 March, 2002

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