Section 23 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882


 Section 23 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882: 

Transfer contingent on happening of specified uncertain event.—Where, on a transfer of property, an interest therein is to accrue to a specified person if a specified uncertain event shall happen, and no time is mentioned for the occurrence of that event, the interest fails unless such event happens before, or at the same time as, the intermediate or precedent interest ceases to exist.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 23 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882: 

Rajammal And Anr vs Mookan @ Peria Perumal Theval & Ors on 6 August, 1981

Mahendra Rambhai Patel vs Controller Of Estate Duty, on 28 October, 1966

Rana Sheo Ambar Singh vs Allahabad Bank Ltd., Allahabad on 27 April, 1961

The Jumma Masjid, Mercara vs Kodimaniandra Deviah on 11 January, 1962

Dattatraya Shanker Mote & Ors vs Anand Chintaman Datar & Ors on 3 October, 1974

Dr. Rajendra Prakash Sharma vs Gyan Chandra & Ors on 27 March, 1980

Shibsankar Nandy vs Prabartak Sangha And Ors on 1 February, 1967

Jaswant Singh Mathura Singh And vs Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation  on 1 October, 1991

The Special Land Acquisition vs V.T. Velu & Ors on 16 January, 1996

Babulal Badriprasad Varma vs Surat Municipal Corpn. & Ors on 2 May, 2008

To download this dhara / Section of  Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 in pdf format use chrome web browser and use keys [Ctrl + P] and save as pdf.


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