Section 11 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882


 Section 11 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882: 

Restriction repugnant to interest created.—Where, on a transfer of property, an interest therein is created absolutely in favour of any person, but the terms of the transfer direct that such interest shall be applied or enjoyed by him in a particular manner, he shall be entitled to receive and dispose of such interest as if there were no such direction. 1[Where any such direction has been made in respect of one piece of immoveable property for the purpose of securing the beneficial enjoyment of another piece of such property, nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect any right which the transferor may have to enforce such direction or any remedy which he may have in respect of a breach thereof.]

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 11 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882: 

K K. Krishnan vs M.K. Vijaya Raghavan on 30 July, 1980

Radha Kishan Sao vs Gopal Modi & Ors on 14 February, 1977

Divisional Forest Officer, vs Shri Daut & Ors on 30 October, 1967

Harbanslal Jagmohandas & Anr vs Prabhudas Shivlal on 12 March, 1976

Rai Brij Raj Krishna And Another vs S.K. Shaw And Brothers on 2 February, 1951

Shah Dhansukhlal Chhaganlal vs Dalichand Virchand Shroff And  on 1 March, 1968

Mahendra Lal Jaini vs The State Of Uttar Pradesh And  on 7 November, 1962

Raju Kakara Shetty vs Ramesh Prataprao Shirole And Anr on 15 January, 1991

Mistry Premjibhai Vithaldas vs Ganeshbhai Keshavji on 14 April, 1977

Inderjeet Singh Sial And Anr vs M/S. Karam Chand Thapar And Ors on 25 September, 1995

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