State of Maharashtra vs Nisar Ramzan Sayyed - Supreme Court

 State of Maharashtra vs Nisar Ramzan Sayyed - Supreme Court Important Judgment 2017 - 


On 7th April, 2017, in the case of State of Maharashtra v. Nisar Ramzan Sayyed [Criminal Appeal Nos. 865-866 of 2013], the respondent was held guilty of the offence of causing death of his pregnant wife and minor child. On the question of sentence however, the Supreme Court referred to a recent report of the Law Commission of India [wherein it has recommended the abolition of death penalty for all the crimes other than terrorism related offences and waging war (offences affecting National Security)], and declined to award death penalty observing that today “capital punishment has become a distinctive feature of death penalty apparatus in India which somehow breaches the reformative theory of punishment under criminal law.” The Court held that “confinement till natural life of the accused respondent shall fulfill the requisite criteria of punishment in peculiar facts and circumstances of the present case.” 


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