Secretary to Govt. Commercial Taxes and Registration Department, Secretariat and Anr. vs A. Singamuthu

 Secretary to Govt. Commercial Taxes and Registration Department, Secretariat and Anr. vs A. Singamuthu - Supreme Court Important Judgment 2017 - 


 On 7th March, 2017, in the case of Secretary to Govt. Commercial Taxes and Registration Department, Secretariat and Anr. vs A. Singamuthu [Civil Appeal No.3770 of 2017], it was observed that “generally, while directing that temporary or part-time appointments be regularised or made permanent, the courts are swayed by the long period of service rendered by the employees. However, this may not be always a correct approach to adopt especially when the scheme of regularisation is missing from the rule book and regularisation casts huge financial implications on public exchequer.” 


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