Section 34 Code on Social Security, 2020

 Section 34 Code on Social Security, 2020 :

Section 34   National Social Security Board and State Unorganised Workers’ Board. 

 Presumption as to accident arising in course of employment.

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, an accident arising in the course of an employee's employment shall be presumed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, to have arisen out of that employment.

(2) An accident happening to an employee in or about any premises at which he is for the time being employed for the purpose of his employer's trade or business shall be deemed to arise out of and in the course of his employment, if it happens while he is taking steps, on an actual or supposed emergency at those premises, to rescue, succour or protect persons who are, or are thought to be or possibly to be, injured or imperilled, or to avert or minimise serious damage to property.

(3) An accident occurring to an employee while commuting from his residence to the place of employment for duty or from the place of employment to his residence after performing duty, shall be deemed to have arisen out of and in the course of employment if nexus between the circumstances, time and place in which the accident occurred and the employment is established.

(4) An accident happening while an employee is, with the express or implied permission of his employer, travelling as a passenger by any vehicle to or from his place of work shall, notwithstanding that he is under no obligation to his employer to travel by that vehicle, be deemed to arise out of and in the course of his employment, if

(a) the accident would have been deemed so to have arisen had he been under such obligation; and

(b) at the time of the accident, the vehicle

(i) is being operated by or on behalf of his employer or some other person by whom it is provided in pursuance of arrangements made with his employer; and

(ii) is not being operated in the ordinary course of public transport service.

Explanation.-In this section, vehicle includes a vessel and an aircraft.

Section 34 The Code on Social Security, 2020 in Hindi / कोड ऑन वेजेस / धारा 34 सामाजिक सुरक्षा संहिता 2020 [ सोशल सिक्‍योरिटी कोड 2020 ] का विवरण : -,%202020%20Bill%20Text%20Hindi.pdf

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 34 Social Security Code 2020 :  Not Yet Available

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