Section 22 Industrial Relations Code 2020


Section 22 Industrial Relations Code 2020 :

Adjudication of disputes of Trade Unions. - (1) Where a dispute arises between-

(a) one Trade Union and another; or

(b) one or more workers who are members of the Trade Union and the Trade Union regarding registration, administration or management or election of office-bearers of the Trade Union; or

(c) one or more workers who are refused admission as members and the Trade Union; or

(d) where a dispute is in respect of a Trade Union which is a federation of Trade Unions and office-bearer authorised in this behalf by the Trade Union,

an application may be made in such manner as may be prescribed to the Tribunal having jurisdiction over the area where the registered office of the Trade Union or Trade Unions is located for adjudication of such disputes.

(2) No civil court other than the Tribunal shall have power to entertain any suit or other proceedings in relation to any dispute referred to in sub-section (1).

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section  22 IndustrialRelations Code 2020 :  Not Yet Available

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