M.P. Medical Officers Association Versus The State of Madhya Pradesh & Ors

M.P. Medical Officers Association Versus The State of Madhya Pradesh & Ors

Landmark Cases of India / सुप्रीम कोर्ट के ऐतिहासिक फैसले

M.P. Medical Officers Association …Appellant(s)
The State of Madhya Pradesh & Ors. …Respondent(s)
Dr. Ram Naresh Rajauria & Ors. …Appellant(s)
The State of Madhya Pradesh & Ors. …Respondent(s)
Dr. Sushil Kumar Khare & Ors. …Appellant(s)
The State of Madhya Pradesh & Ors. …Respondent(s)
Dr. Deepak Phanse & Ors. …Appellant(s)
The State of Madhya Pradesh & Ors. …Respondent(s)
1. Feeling aggrieved and dissatisfied with the impugned judgment
and order passed by the High Court of Madhya Pradesh, Jabalpur in
Writ Appeal No. 1073 of 2018 by which the High Court has allowed the
said writ appeal preferred by the State of Madhya Pradesh and others
and has quashed and set aside the judgment and order passed by the
learned Single Judge passed in Writ Petition No. 6236 pf 2014, the
original writ petitioners – M.P. Medical Officers Association and other
individual members of the Association have filed the present appeals.
2. The members of the appellant Association and other appellants
were working as Specialists and Dental Specialists respectively under
the M.P. Public Health and Family Welfare (Gazetted) Service
Recruitment Rules, 1988. The said Rules were repealed by the M.P.
Public Health and Family Welfare (Gazetted) Service Recruitment Rules,
2007 published in the Gazette on 27.03.2008. The State issued an
order on 26.08.2008 to grant higher pay-scale on completion of six years
to the Medical Officers, Dental Surgeons and officers working in the
Specialist cadre in a four tier pay-scales. Later, the circular dated
23.05.2009 was issued to the effect that the period from the date of
appointment shall be counted as notional appointment though the
benefit of the scheme shall be granted from the date of issuance of the
order of the State Government dated 26.08.2008. In the circular dated
23.05.2009, it was also provided that the fourth tier pay-scale will be
payable on completion of the prescribed service period, but the financial
benefits shall be extended w.e.f. 26.8.2008. The period between the date
of completion of the prescribed period and 26.08.2008 shall be eligible
for notional pay fixation. Having found that the circular dated 23.05.2009
was wrongly issued and was issued without approval of the Finance
Department and as the benefits flowing from the circular dated
23.05.2009 were having financial implications/burden and it was found
that the said circular was issued by the authority, who had no
competence and therefore vide communication dated 30.05.2012, the
circular dated 23.05.2009 came to be withdrawn. However, the
respective Medical Officers working as Specialists, Dental Specialists
and the officers working in the specialist’s cadre – members of the
appellant association were granted the actual benefit flowing from the
circular dated 23.05.2009 till 30.05.2012, i.e., till the circular dated
23.05.2009 was withdrawn. As the benefits were wrongly paid under the
circular dated 23.05.2009, which was subsequently withdrawn on
30.05.2012, the State Government ordered recovery of the excess
amount paid alongwith the interest.
2.1 The communication dated 30.05.2012 withdrawing the circular
dated 23.05.2009 and the recovery of the excess amount paid alongwith
the interest were the subject matter of Writ Petition No. 6236 of 2014
preferred by the M.P. Medical Officers Association. Individual writ
petitioners also filed their separate writ petitions, however, the Writ
Petition No.6236 of 2014 preferred by the Association was treated as the
lead matter. By common judgment and order, the learned Single Judge
allowed all the writ petitions and quashed the communication dated
30.05.2012 withdrawing the circular dated 23.05.2009. The learned
Single Judge also quashed the orders of recovery of the excess amount
paid alongwith the interest.
2.2 Feeling aggrieved and dissatisfied with the judgment and order
passed by the learned Single Judge dated 20.12.2017 passed in Writ
Petition No. 6236 of 2014, the State preferred Writ Appeal No. 1073 of
2018 before the Division Bench of the High Court. By the impugned
judgment and order, the Division Bench of the High Court has allowed
the aforesaid writ appeal and has quashed and set aside the judgment
and order passed by the learned Single Judge quashing and setting
aside the communication dated 30.05.2012 withdrawing the circular
dated 23.05.2009 and also quashing the recovery of the excess amount
paid alongwith the interest. The impugned judgment and order passed
by the Division Bench of the High Court passed in Writ Appeal No. 1073
of 2018 is the subject matter of the present appeals.
3. We have heard Shri P.S. Patwalia, learned Senior Advocate
appearing on behalf of the appellant and Shri Saurabh Mishra, learned
Additional Advocate General appearing on behalf of the respondent
4. Having heard the learned counsel for the respective partis and
having gone through the impugned judgment and order passed by the
Division Bench of the High Court and the ground on which the circular
dated 23.05.2009 was withdrawn namely, the same was issued without
authority and/or competence and was issued without any approval
and/or concurrence of the Finance Department as the benefits flowing
from the circular dated 23.05.2009 were having financial
implications/burden, we see no reason to interfere with the impugned
judgment and order passed by the Division Bench of the High Court
upholding the communication dated 30.05.2012 withdrawing the circular
dated 23.05.2009. The Division Bench of the High Court is absolutely
justified in quashing and setting aside the judgment and order passed by
the learned Single Judge of the High Court quashing the communication
dated 30.05.2012 withdrawing the circular dated 23.05.2009.
4.1 However, at the same time, the Division Bench of the High Court
has erred in quashing and setting aside the judgment and order passed
by the learned Single Judge allowing the writ petitions and setting aside
the recovery of excess amount paid for the period between 2009 to
2012, which was sought to be recovered with interest.
5. It is not in dispute that the members of the appellant association,
who were serving as Specialists, Dental Specialists and officers in the
specialist’s cadre got the benefits under the circular dated 23.05.2009. It
was the Department/State, who issued the circular dated 23.05.2009
and paid the benefits under the circular dated 23.05.2009 to the
members of the appellant association, which subsequently came to be
withdrawn by the State in the year 2012. Therefore, as such, there was
neither any misrepresentation on the part of the concerned employees –
members of the appellant association nor can the mistake be attributed
to them. The mistake, if any, can be said to be that of the
Department/State, who issued the circular dated 23.05.2009 under
which the members of the association were given certain benefits till the
same was withdrawn in the year 2012. Therefore, in the peculiar facts
and circumstances of the case, the State was not justified in ordering
recovery of the excess amount paid along with the interest. It is true that
stricto sensu, the decision of this Court in the case of State of Punjab
and others Vs. Rafiq Masih, (2015) 4 SCC 334 may not be applicable.
However, at the same time, as observed hereinabove, and in the facts
and circumstances of the case, the State was not justified in ordering
recovery of the excess amount paid with interest, more particularly, when
it is reported that some of the doctors/dentists – members of the
association have retired on attaining the age of superannuation and the
recovery shall be from their pension/pensionary benefits. However, at
the same time, their pay fixation and the pension shall have to be as per
the order dated 26.08.2008.
6. In view of the above and for the reasons stated above, all these
Appeals Succeed in part. The impugned judgment and order passed by
the Division Bench of the High Court upholding the recovery of the
excess amount paid alongwith interest is hereby quashed and set aside.
In result, there shall not be any recovery of the excess amount
paid pursuant to the circular dated 23.05.2009 till the same was
withdrawn on 30.05.2012. However, for all other purposes including the
pay fixation and pension etc., the same shall be now worked out as per
the order dated 26.08.2008, as if, the circular dated 23.05.2009 was
never issued.
Present appeals are accordingly partly allowed to the aforesaid
extent. However, in the facts and circumstances of the case, there shall
be no order as to costs.
 [M.R. SHAH]
NEW DELHI; ………………………………….J.


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