Form 28 - Supreme Court Rules 2013 - SLP Format


In The Supreme Court Of India

[S.C.R., Order XXI Rule 3(1) (a)]

Civil Appellate Jurisdiction

Special Leave Petition

(Under Article 136 of the Constitution of India)

S.L.P. (Civil) No. .......................... of ......................

Between                           Position of Parties In the Court/Tribunal from In this Court whose order the petition arises

(A) (Here insert the name/names Petitioner/                           Petitioner

of the Petitioner                       Respondent/





(D) (Here insert the name/names Petitioner/                           Petitioner

of the Respondent                       Respondent/





Hon'ble the Chief Justice of India and His Companion Judges of the Supreme Court of India.

The Special Leave Petition of the Petitioner most respectfully showeth:

1. The petitioner / petitioners above named respectfully submits this petition seeking special leave to appeal against the judgment/order of (Here specify the Court / Tribunal against whose order the leave to appeal is sought for together with number of the case, date of the order and nature of the order such as allowing or dismissing the matter or granting or refusing the interim order, etc.)

2. Questions Of Law :

The following questions of the law arise for consideration by this Hon'ble Court :

(Here set out the questions of law arising for consideration precisely)

3. Declaration In Terms Of Rule 3(2) :

The petitioner states that no other petition seeking leave to appeal has been filed by him against the impugned judgment and order.

4. Declaration In Terms Of Rule 5:

The Annexures produced alongwith the SLP are true copies of the pleadings/documents which formed part of the records of the case in the Court / Tribunal below against whose order the leave to appeal is sought for in this petition.

5. Grounds :

Leave to appeal is sought for on the following grounds.

(Here specify the grounds precisely and clearly)

6. Grounds For Interim Relief :

(Here specify briefly the grounds on which interim relief is sought for)

7. Main Prayer :

(Here set out the main prayer)

8. Interim Relief :

(Here set out the interim prayer)

Place :                                                                           Advocate for the petitioner


Settled by :

(Specify the name of the Advocate in case where the petition is settled by an advocate.)


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