Section 321 IPC in Hindi and English

 Section 321 IPC in Hindi and English

Section 321 of IPC 1860:-Voluntarily causing hurt -

Whoever does any act with the intention of thereby causing hurt to any person, or with the knowledge that he is likely thereby to cause hurt to any person, and does thereby cause hurt to any person, is said “voluntarily to cause hurt".

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 321 of Indian Penal Code 1860:

Sheonandan Paswan vs State Of Bihar & Others on 16 December, 1982

Balkar Singh vs Jagdish Kumar & Ors on 22 February, 2005

Bairam Muralidhar vs State Of A.P on 31 July, 2014

M/S. V.L.S. Finance Ltd vs S.P. Gupta And Anr on 5 February, 2016

Sri Suresh Kumar Goyal vs The State Of Uttar Pradesh on 11 January, 2019

Shiva Karam Payaswami Tewar vs State Of Maharashtra on 21 January, 2009

Mukul Dalal Etc. Etc vs Union Of India & Ors. Etc. Etc on 4 May, 1988

S.K. Shukla & Ors vs State Of U.P. & Ors on 10 November, 2005


आईपीसी, 1860 (भारतीय दंड संहिता) की धारा 321 का विवरण - स्वेच्छया उपहति कारित करना -

जो कोई किसी कार्य को इस आशय से करता है कि तद्द्वारा किसी व्यक्ति को उपहति कारित करे या इस ज्ञान के साथ करता है कि यह संभाव्य है कि वह तद्द्वारा किसी व्यक्ति को उपहति कारित करे और तद्द्वारा किसी व्यक्ति को उपहति कारित करता है, वह स्वेच्छ्या उपहति करता है, यह कहा जाता है।

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