Third Constitutional Amendment - 3rd Amendment in Constitution

Third Constitutional Amendment - 3rd Amendment in Constitution of India 1954:
This amendment amended Entry 33 of the Concurrent List. Originally, Entry 33 empowered the Centre to control the products of the controlled industry only. The control of essential commodities was not within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Centre. It fell under the State sphere under Entry 27, List II. This position was found to be unsatisfactory. The food situation in the country was difficult. Essential supplies were in short supply. To remove this difficulty this amendment widened the scope of Entry 33, List III, empowering Parliament to control the production, supply and distribution of all kinds of commodities.
3rd Amendment in Constitution

The Constitution (Third Amendment) Act enacted in 1954 amended the original entry 33 of List III, expanded its scope and gave it its present shape.

The Amendment somewhat changed the federal balance of power in favour of the Centre.

This Amendment was brought by Parliament due to food security issue in the country due to short supply of essential commodities. This amendment affected the power sharing between the Centre and the States. 


  1. Being from Pakistan, if you look into our history we had a lot of different constitutions that we followed, the same goes for India too!


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