Section 80 Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881


Section 80 Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 in Hindi and English 

Section 80 Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 :When no rate of interest is specified in the instrument, interest on the amount due thereon shall, notwithstanding any agreement relating to interest between any parties to the instrument], be calculated at the rate of eighteen per annum, from the date at which the same ought to have been paid by the party Charge, until tender or realization of the amount due thereon, or until such date after the institution of a suit to recover such amount as the Court directs.

Explanation.-When the party charged is the indorser of an instrument dishonoured by non-payment, he is liable to pay interest only from the time that he receives notice of the dishonour.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 80 of Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 :

Executive Engineer, Dhenkanal vs N.C.Budharaj (Dead) By on 10 January, 2001

Official Receiver, Kanpur And vs Abdul Shakur And Others on 11 September, 1964

Executive Engineer Irrigation vs Abaaduta Jena on 22 September, 1987

Vithal Das vs Rupchand & Ors on 7 April, 1966

Executive Engineer, Dhenkanal vs N.C.Budharaj (Dead) By L.Rs. Etc. on 10 January, 2001

State Of Punjab vs N.C. Budharaj (Dead) By L.Rs., on 10 January, 2001

P. Mohanraj vs M/S. Shah Brothers Ispat Pvt. Ltd. on 1 March, 2021

Union Of India (Uoi) vs Watkins Mayor And Co. on 10 March, 1965

Deb Dutta Seal vs Ramanlal Phumra And Ors. on 6 November, 1969

State Of Orissa vs B.N. Agarwalla Etc on 29 January, 1997

परक्राम्य लिखत अधिनियम, 1881 की धारा 80 का विवरण :  - जबकि लिखत में ब्याज की कोई दर विनिर्दिष्ट नहीं है तब उस पर शोध्य रकम मद्धे ब्याज की गणना लिखत के किन्हीं पक्षकारों के बीच ब्याज सम्बन्धी किसी करार के होते हुए भी उस तारीख से, जिसको भारित पक्षकार द्वारा उसका संदाय किया जाना चाहिए, उस तारीख तक जब उस पर शोध्य रकम निविदत्त या आप्त हो या ऐसी रकम के लिए वाद की संस्थिति के पश्चात् ऐसी तारीख तक, जैसी न्यायालय निर्दिष्ट करे, प्रतिवर्ष अठारह प्रतिशत की दर से की जाएगी ।

स्पष्टीकरण --- जबकि भारित पक्षकार संदाय न करने से अनादृत किसी लिखत का पृष्ठांकक है तब वह ब्याज देने के लिए दायी केवल उसी समय से होगा जबकि उसे अनादर की सूचना प्राप्त होती है ।

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