Section 137 Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881


Section 137 Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 in Hindi and English 

Section 137 Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 :The law of any foreign country regarding promissory notes, bills of exchange and cheques shall be presumed to be the same as that of India. unless and until the contrary is proved.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 137 of Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 :

T.R.Ajayan vs M.Ravindran on 7 January, 2008

Kerala High Court 

T.R.Ajayan vs M.Ravindran on 7 January, 2008

Kerala High Court 

Pale Horse Designs vs Natarajan Rathnam on 26 October, 2010

Madras High Court 

Legisetti Srinivasulu vs Gondi Peda Kondappa on 11 April, 1959

Andhra High Court 

Trilux Technologies Singapore vs Boon Technologies Rep. By Its on 29 March, 2004

Madras High Court 

Peary Pasi vs Gauri Lal And Anr. on 4 April, 1934

Patna High Court 

R.M.A.R. Raman Chetty And Ors. vs P. Nagarathna Naicker on 23 February, 1912

Madras High Court 

Harkishore Barua vs Gura Mia Chowdhry And Anr. on 14 August, 1930

Calcutta High Court 

S. Maruthamuthu Naicker vs P. Kadir Badsha Rowther And Ors. on 15 December, 1937

Madras High Court 

M/S.Al Rostamani International vs The Official Liquidator on 26 October, 2009

Madras High Court 

परक्राम्य लिखत अधिनियम, 1881 की धारा 137 का विवरण :  - वचन-पत्रों, विनिमय-पत्रों और चैक सम्बन्धी किसी भी विदेश की विधि के बारे में यह उपधारणा की जाएगी कि वह वैसी ही है जैसी कि भारत की है, जब तक कि तत्प्रतिकूल साबित न कर दिया जाए ।

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