Protection of Linguistic Minority Rights

Protection of Linguistic Minority Rights and Non-Discrimination on Grounds of Religion
Protection of Linguistic Minority Rights

Article 29 enunciated  the fundamental right of any section of citizens residing anywhere in India to conserve its distinct language, script of culture. No citizen can be denied admission in any educational instiution maintained or aided by the State on grounds of language, religion, etc.

Article 30 seeks to protect the rights of all minorities - based on languages - to establish and administer  educational institutions of their choice. The State is enjoined not to discriminate against any educational institution on the ground of its language or religion - based management.

Article 350A inserted by Seventh Amendment provides for local authorities in every state endeavouring to extend adequate facilities for instruction in the mother toungue at the primary stage of education to children belonging to linguistic minority groups and for the President necessary directios to any State. The term 'linguistic minority group' has been interpreted to mean a group of people who are in a numerical minority in a State as a whole as distinguished from any particular area or region thereof (In re Kerala Education Bill, AIR 1958 SC956).

Article 350B provides for the appointement by the President of a special officer for linguistic minorities to investigate matters concerning safeguards for linguistic minorities and to report to the President at such intervals as the President may direct. All such reports may be laid before Houses of Parliament and sent to the State  Governments concerned.


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